Category: RC

IIMs cutoff for CAT 2016

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Practice Test:Reading Comprehension

As sociologists Trimble and Medicine point out in a survey paper published in 1966, many of the studies dealing with the Native American (Indian) experience have tended to focus on negative aspects of Native...

Practice Test:Reading Comprehension

The distinction that modern artists and art critics make between the arts, on the one hand, and crafts, on the other, was foreign to classical antiquity. Both arts and crafts were regarded by the...

Practice Test:Reading Compreshension

As in the case of so many words used by the biologist and physiologist, the word acclimatization is hard to define. With increases in scientific knowledge and understanding, meanings of words change. Originally the...

Practice Test:Reading Comprehension

From the 197 million square miles, which make up the surface of the globe, 71 per cent is covered by the interconnecting bodies of marine water; the Pacific Ocean alone covers half the Earth...

Practice Test : Reading Comprehension

When consumers finish their Christmas buying, another shopping season will be just beginning: retailers will be bought and sold by other retailers. Britain, in particular, may face a wave of retailer acquisitions. Wal-Mart especially...

Practice Test:Reading Comprehension

Bernard Bailyn has recently reinterpreted the early history of the United States by applying new social research findings on the experiences of European migrants. In his reinterpretation, migration becomes the organizing principle for rewriting...

Practice Test:Reading Comphrension

Passage 1 In nearly all human populations a majority of individuals can taste the artificially synthesized chemical phenylthiocarbonide (PTC). However, the percentage varies dramatically–from as low as 60% in India to as high as...

Practice Test:Reading Comprehension

Passage 1 MARK HUGHES is a master of the fine art of survival. His Los Angeles-based Herbalife International Inc. is a pyramid outfit that peddles weight-loss and nutrition concoctions of dubious value. Bad publicity...

PRACTICE TEST:Reading Comprehension

Passage 1 A comprehensive emergency obstetrics and neonatal care centre block will be constructed at an estimated cost of  9 crore with World Bank assistance at the Annal Gandhi Memorial Government Hospital here. A...


Passage 1 My aim is to present a conception of justice which generalizes and carries to a higher level of abstraction the familiar theory of the social contract. In order to do this we...