Practice Test:Quantitative Aptitude
There are 3 bottles and a jug. The bottles each have a capacity of 5 liters but are partially filled with water. The jug also has some water in it. The sum of the...
A complete study circle (UPSC / IAS / MBA / CAT)
by Amita Dokhale · Published November 24, 2015 · Last modified November 26, 2015
There are 3 bottles and a jug. The bottles each have a capacity of 5 liters but are partially filled with water. The jug also has some water in it. The sum of the...
by Amita Dokhale · Published November 22, 2015 · Last modified November 26, 2015
When consumers finish their Christmas buying, another shopping season will be just beginning: retailers will be bought and sold by other retailers. Britain, in particular, may face a wave of retailer acquisitions. Wal-Mart especially...
by Amita Dokhale · Published November 20, 2015 · Last modified November 26, 2015
Directions for the question 1 to 5: Answer the questions based on the following information, which gives data about certain coffee producers in India. 1.What is the maximum production capacity (in ‘000 tonnes) of...
by Amita Dokhale · Published November 14, 2015 · Last modified November 19, 2015
Bernard Bailyn has recently reinterpreted the early history of the United States by applying new social research findings on the experiences of European migrants. In his reinterpretation, migration becomes the organizing principle for rewriting...
by Amita Dokhale · Published November 13, 2015 · Last modified November 19, 2015
1.A man has nine friends – four boys and five girls. In how many ways can he invite them, if there have to be exactly three girls in the invitees? (CAT 1996) a.320 ...
by Amita Dokhale · Published November 13, 2015 · Last modified November 19, 2015
1.Siva Reddy walked 2 km west of his house and then turned south covering 4 km. Finally,He moved 3 km towards east and then again 1 km west. How far is he from his...
A group of three or four has to be selected from seven persons. Among the seven are two women, Fiza and Kavita, and five men: Ram, Shyam, David, Peter and Rahim. Ram would not...
Passage 1 In nearly all human populations a majority of individuals can taste the artificially synthesized chemical phenylthiocarbonide (PTC). However, the percentage varies dramatically–from as low as 60% in India to as high as...
The number of common terms in two sequences 17,21,25….417 and 16,21,26….466 is a.78 b.19 c. 22 d.20 e.77 2. If a, b, c are in AP , then a/bc, 1/c, 2/b...
The table gives the sales figures of a fruit vendor for three consecutive days. Some more information is available about the total sales on three days, which is as follows: 1) The number of...
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