a. Quantitative Ability

Sum of a series

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      Q. 1/(1*2*3) +1/(3*4*5) + 1/(5*6*7) + ……..

      Find the  sum ?

      Wonder Boy

        To solve  this  type of problem, where reciprocals are involved we will use the concept of partial fraction.

        so here we can see each term is of the form


        Let 1/[n.(n+1).(n+2)]  =  A/n + B/(n+1) + C/(n+2)

        –> 1/[n.(n+1).(n+2)] = [ A(n+1)(n+2) + B(n)(n+2) +C(n)(n+1)]/[n.(n+1).(n+2)] 

        –> 1 = [ A(n+1)(n+2) + B(n)(n+2) +C(n)(n+1)]

        putting n=-1, we get

        B = -1

        putting n = -2 , we get

        C = 1/2

        putting n= 0, we get

        A= 1/2

        So , 1/[n.(n+1).(n+2)] = 1/2n1/(n+1) + 1/2(n+2)

        1/(1*2*3) +1/(3*4*5) + 1/(5*6*7) + …….. = 1/2.1-1/2+1/2.3   +  1/2.3-1/4+1/2.5  +  1/2.5-1/6+1/2.7 +……

        = 1/2(1+1/3 + 1/5+1/7 + …..) – (1/2 +1/4 +1/6 +…… ) + 1/2(1/3 +1/5 +1/7 +…..)

        = 1/2(1+1/3 + 1/5+1/7 + …..) – (1/2 +1/4 +1/6 +…… ) -1/2

        = (1-1/2+1/3-1/4+ ….)  -1/2

        = 0.69314 -0.5 = 0.19314




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