a. Quantitative Ability

root of the equation

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  • #2836

      Q. If one root of the equation (I-m)x2+Ix+1=0 is double of other and is real, find greatest value of m ?

      Wonder Boy

        Let the roots of quadratic equation be a and 2a .

        so sum of roots = -I/(I-m) = 3a


        also product of roots = 1/(I-m) = 2a2 —-(2)

        —> -I(2a2) = 3a –>I= -3/2a

        also I-m = 1/2a2

        Since both roots are real. Hence D= B2– 4AC >=0

        –> I2 – 4(I-m)(1) >= 0

        –> (-3/2a)2 – 4 (1/2a2) >=0

        9/4a2 -2a2 >=0

        a2 /4 >= 0 –> a2>=0


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