a. Quantitative Ability

Race problem

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      Q. In an 800 m race A beats B by 160 m or 20 seconds. In how many seconds can A cover 360 m?

      Wonder Boy

        A beats B by 160 m means B is 160 m behind A

        Also A beats B by 20 seconds i.e. B reach the finishing line after 20 seconds.


        Hence speed of B = 160/20 = 8 m/s.

        Total time taken by B to cover 800 m = 800/8 = 100s.


        so total time taken by A = 100 – 20 = 80 sec.

        Speed of A = 800/80 = 10 m/s.

        So A will cover 360 m in 360/10 = 36 seconds.




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