a. Quantitative Ability


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      Q.32. Some people sat in a circle, so that each had two neighbors and each had a certain number of coins of 1 rupee each. The first had one coin more than the second, who had one coin more than the third and so on. The first gave one coin to the second, who gave two coins to the third and so on, each giving one coin more than he or she received, for as long as possible. The game ends as soon as any of the players has no coins. There were then two neighbors, one of whom had four times as much as the other.

      a). How many people were there?
      (1) 9
      (2) 6
      (3) 7
      (4) 12

      b). How much had the poorest person at first?
      (1) 9
      (2) 2
      (3) 8
      (4) 5

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