a. Quantitative Ability

Locomotive speed

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  • #2905

      Q. A locomotive requires an energy of E units per second, when it travels at a speed of s m/sec. If E = s3 – 20s2 + 124s, find the maximum possible distance that the locomotive can travel, given that it has a total energy supply of 72 × 105 units.

      216 km

      256 km

      300 km

      360 km


      asked by Rajat Gupta


        We need to minimize E/s

        E/s = s^2 – 20s + 124 = (s – 10)^2 + 24
        So, s = 10

        => E/s = 24

        => d = 72*10^5/24 = 300 km


        soln by Hemant Yadav

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