Vocab Tadka: Look Around You
5 words for you- check out whether you can label yourself with any 1 of them? If yes..then congrats !! you got 1 more/new word 2 define yourself 🙂 if not ;then hope you...
A complete study circle (UPSC / IAS / MBA / CAT)
5 words for you- check out whether you can label yourself with any 1 of them? If yes..then congrats !! you got 1 more/new word 2 define yourself 🙂 if not ;then hope you...
Green Power Quota : 16 States post Below 70% Compliance Concept of Renewable Power Obligation (RPO) or the legally-mandated obligation on states to include green power in the overall energy mix is floundering. 16...
Lets discuss the difference between confusing words Paean & Peon. PAEAN 1 (n) a formal expression of praise Type: ‘noun.communication’ Synonym: encomium, eulogy, panegyric, pean, 2 (n) (ancient Greece) a hymn of praise (especially one sung in ancient Greece...
PM is leading the govt’s campaign in support of the Bill to amend the Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act 2013 (LARR Act). Land Acquisition Act of...
Delhi based centre for science & environment (CSE) 16 years ago – security threat is not the gun, but the air. Agenda : Advance the roadmap for fuel emission standards. Restrict diesel vehicles Make...
Saudi Arabia asked Pakistan for Military aircraft , warships & soldiers for Yemen campaign Saudi Arabia asked Pakistan for military aircraft, warships & soldiers Saudi Arabia (Sunni Muslim power) strikes Shia hauthi forces in...
Popularly Known as “Delhi’s Green Judge” – Retired Justice Kuldip Singh Presided over number of PILs on environmental issues. passed crucial judgments on air pollution, including specifying norms for industries around the Taj Mahal....
IRNSS-1D Launched from Sriharikota Important points : Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System 4th satellite in the planned seven satellite Indian Navigational System. Fully operational By mid – 2016 Critical application for Indian Armed Forces....
What is a Green Bond ? What is the difference between green bond and a regular bond ? Why green bond is gaining so much popularity in recent years? Article Ref : Green bonds’ value...
To curb the formation of shell companies, which are located abroad but controlled from India, to evade taxes, the government has amended the income tax act by introducing the concept of ‘place of effective...
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Art & Culture / Articles / Civil Services / History
The History and Origin of Mahakumbh
January 23, 2025
Articles / Civil Services / MBA / QA
[CSAT][CAT] Basic Numeracy – Percentages (Tips & Tricks) – 1
November 30, 2014