(The Hindu) China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC)
23rd April 2015
- China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC)
- Investment Capacity of 45 B $
– CPEC – Gwadar (The junction of South Asia, West Asia & Africa) — Kashgar
- CPEC not necessarily bad for India – Youth will get jobs –> X Terrorist
- During Xi’s visit to Pak, China promised to export 08 submarines
- not an issue
- but if convert submarines as platform for nuclear second strike capability — > problem.
- Proposed visit of Modi — > China in May
- Partnership with China in (i) AIIB (ii) BRICS Dev. Bank (iii) SCO membership pursue.
Art. Ref. : Emphasis on Gwadar-Kashgar economic corridor – http://www.thehindu.com/todays-paper/tp-international/emphasis-on-gwadarkashgar-economic-corridor/article7127585.ece
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