Tagged: DI

Practice Test:Data Interpretation

The table gives the sales figures of a fruit vendor for three consecutive days. Some more information is available about the total sales on three days, which is as follows: 1) The number of...

Practice Test:Data Interpretation

  Expenditures of a Company(in Lakh Rupees) per Annum Over the given Years. Year Salary FuelandTransport Bonus InterestonLoans Taxes 1998 288 98 3.00 23.4 83 1999 342 112 2.52 32.5 108 2000 324 101...


Given below is the percentage break up of 3600 students across various streams in ABC College of Arts, Commerce and Science: Also given below is a table indicating the percentage break up of male students...


A team of 5 players Arpit, Bimal, Chatur, Dinu and Elan participated in a ‘Freaket’ tournament and played four matches (1 to 4). The following table gives partial information about their individual scores and...