Recommended Books for UPSC/IAS/Civil Services

Sr. No.Book LinkCover page
Books with all aspects of prelims in brief (For Starters)
1General Studies Paper 1 2021 for Civil Services Preliminary Examination and State Examinations - TMH
2General Studies Manual Paper-1 2021 - Arihant
3 NCERT 37-40 Books Set for UPSC Exams (English Medium)
History (Indian History and Indian National Movement): Essential :
1History of Modern India (English) New Edition
2The Gist of NCERT History 1st Edition ​
Geography (Indian and World Geography)

Essential :
1NCERT books IX, X, XI, XII
2Oxford School Atlas
3Certificate Physical and Human Geography
Economics (Indian Economics and Economic Theory) : Essential:
1Indian Economy for Civil Services Examination (English) 7th Edition by Ramesh Singh
2An Evolution of Indian Economy by I.C. Dhingra
3Economic Survey of India by Govt. of India
4The Penguin Dictionary of Economics: Eighth Edition (English)
Economics (Indian Economics and Economic Theory) : Additional:
1Indian Economy by Datt & Sundharam
2Indian Economy by Mishra and Puri
3Internet-Linked Dictionary of Economics (English)
Polity (Indian Constitution): Essential:
1Introduction to the Constitution of India
2Indian Polity by M. Laxmikanth
Polity (Indian Constitution): Additional:
1Our Constitution: An Introduction to India's Constitution and Constitutional Law by Dr. Subhash Kashyap
General Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology) : Essential:
1NCERT books IX, X
General Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology) : Additional:
1 Anatomy & Physiology by Evelyn Pearce
Environment (Ecology, Bio-diversity, Climate Change) : Essential:
1Biology NCERT Books plus current events on Environmental Issues
2Geography NCERT Books plus current events on Environmental Issues
Current Affairs : Essential:
1Hindu and Economic Times Newspapers
2Frontline, Political & Economic Weeks Periodicals
Current Affairs : Additional:
1India 2016
Paper II – Aptitude
Books with all aspects of prelims in brief (For Starters)
1General Studies for Civil Services Preliminary Examination Paper - II - TMH
2General Studies Paper 2 (2016) For Civil Services Preliminary Examination (English) - Arihant
Numeracy: Essential:
1NCERT Mathematics VII, IX, X
Data Interpretation: Essential:
1Data Interpretation and Data Sufficiency by Tyra and Kundan
English Comprehension and Communication: Essential:
1Objective General English by R.S. Agarwal
Logical Reasoning: Essential:
1A Modern Approach to Verbal Reasoning by R.S. Agarwal
Logical Reasoning: Additional:
1A new Approach to Reasoning by Sijwali and Sijwali

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