About upsc xam

About upsc xamCategory: UPSCAbout upsc xam
Neha katre asked 9 years ago

Hello….plz help me for starting my upsc preparation….these year my graduation is finished from b-pharmacy…..

2 Answers
Wonder Boy Staff answered 9 years ago

Hello Neha, 
To start your preparation, you should first start reading Newspaper preferably THE Hindu / Indian Express..
Then start reading NCERT books (6th to 12th).. We are also providing short notes.. you can refer those notes for revision.
Then start reading books, the list of which is given here.. http://mba.webmaggu.com/recommended-books/
Askif u have further query.

Amita Dokhale answered 9 years ago

Make a detailed timetable and stick to it..
Remember regular hard work is key to success…
Stay Motivated..keep following WebMaggu
and shout your doubts to us 🙂
Good Luck