Idioms 2
1. Son of a Gun
Meaning: A rogue or scamp –
- A person, esp. a child, who is mischievous in a likable or amusing way.
- A wicked or worthless person; a rogue.
Usage: Apollo 12 Astronaut Pete Conrad said, upon seeing the Surveyor 3 just prior to touching down on the Moon: “Hey, there it is! There it is! Son of a gun, right down the middle of the road!” It can be used encouragingly or to compliment, as in “You son of a gun, you did it!”
2. Till the cows come home
Meaning: for a very long time
- “Hey dad, when are we gonna be eating dinner?”
“Not until the cows come home, son. Where the hell are your mother and sister? I’m hungry too.”
- You can crank the engine until the cows come home, but it won’t start without fuel.
3. Put your foot in your mouth
Meaning : Saying something you shouldn’t have
Usage: Bhavna really put her foot in her mouth when she asked about pragya’s job right after she lost it.