How to find last two digit of a large number in the form of power
You might have solved last year CAT papers(when it was available) or any AIMCAT/SIMCAT/..CAT.
A very unique question that troubles you is the last 2 digit of a number in form of a product & last 2 digit of number in form of power.
Here we are going to discuss the type of question where we need to find last 2 digit of a number in form of power.
The most important thing in this type of question is that the number is so big that you think it can be only be solved by some magic & you actually don’t try such questions.
For e.g. Find last 2 digits of number 66^32 ?
Looks really tough. But don’t worry we will provide you step by step approach to solve this problem in a very easy manner.
Step 1 : Let the number be a^b. Based on the unit’s digit of of a we will have 4 cases.
Case 1: The unit’s digit of a is 1.
In this case Unit’s digit = 1.
Ten’s digit = Unit’s digit of (Multiplication of ten’s digit of a with unit’s digit of b.)
For e.g. Find last 2 digits of number 61^32 ?
Unit’s digit = 1
Ten’s digit = Unit’s digit of 6 x 2 = 2.
Case 2:The unit’s digit of a is 3, 7 or 9.
In this case we will convert base to such a number which ends in 1. After getting this number we will use case 1 to solve the problem.
For e.g. Find last 2 digits of number 69^34 ?
69^34 -> (69^2)^17 -> (..61)^17
So last 2 digit of 69^34 = 21.
Find last 2 digits of number 69^33 ?
69^33 = 69^32 x 69 = (..61)^16 x 69 = ..61 x 69
So last 2 digit of 69^33 = 09.
Case 3 : The unit’s digit of a is 2,4,6 or 8.
If a ends in 2, 4, 6, 0r 8, we can find the last two digits of the number raised to power keeping in mind the following points :
2^10 ends in 24.
24^odd number ends in 24.
24^even number ends in 76.
76^number ends in 76.
For e.g. : Find last 2 digits of number 2^2046 ?
2^2046 = (2^10)^204 x 2^6 =(..24)^204 x 2^6
= (..76) x 64
Last 2 digit of the number 2^2046 = ..64
Case 4 : The unit’s digit of a is 5.
If the digit in the tens place is odd and the exponent b is odd, then the number ends in 75.
If the digit in the tens place is odd and the exponent b is even, then the number ends in 25.
If the digit in the tens place is even and the exponent b is odd, then the number ends in 25.
If the digit in the tens place is even and the exponent b is even, then the number ends in 25 .
For e.g. : Find last 2 digits of number 55^246 ?
last 2 digit of 55^246 = 25
For e.g. : Find last 2 digits of number 55^245 ?
last 2 digit of 55^246 = 75.
Questions for practice :
- Find last 2 digits of product 46^345?
- Find last 2 digits of product 45 ^456 ?
- Find last 2 digits of product 44^58 ?