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Share your CAT – 2011 experience
- This topic has 14 replies, 10 voices, and was last updated 9 years, 12 months ago by
Pankaj Kamani.
- AuthorPosts
- November 1, 2011 at 4:11 pm #2906
1. How was your CAT paper?
2. When was your date of CAT?
3. How was the centre?
4. Was CAT paper tough or easy for you?
5. Or anything you want to share ..:)
6. Please don’t share any questions from the exam papers, otherwise your post will be deleted
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November 1, 2011 at 4:23 pm #3021guys ma paper was MODERATELY difficult over-all………… quant was moderate it had some questions which cud trap u n waste ur time bt if u watch out for them thn its easy to crack Quant and for me verbal was difficult bt lr was way too easy in verb esp. rcs were too difficult rest all were doable in verbal u need to b wary while reading n understandin rcs so that u get them rite n one shld nt panic if 20 mins left n 3 rcs to b done one shld in this case do 2 rcs this is wat i feel
over-all for me paper was moderate wish u all best of luck for catNovember 4, 2011 at 3:23 pm #3052date: 03/11/2011
time: 10 AM
section-1: overall level was easy with an emphasis on geometry (inclusive of basic co-ordinate geometry), there were also problems on logarithm, number system, boat & river – upstream/downstream, filling/emptying a vessel with pipe etc.. DI questions were total 8 in number.. those were direct and easy, people with excellent speed could attempt 20+ in this section.. normally 20-25 per hour is a good speed.. but I failed to achieve that.. I could do only 18 and the last 2 problems I was almost done with them and then time was up 🙁
section-2 : overall level was easy with 10 LR+20 VA mix.. 2 sets of LR were easy and direct, 1 set was a bit indirect, but doable.. in VA, there were 3 sets of RCs, passages were easy, but in some cases, options of the questions were ambiguous as usual.. para jumbles were easy.. sentence completion were not so easy because all options seemed provocative.. 1 question was of new type: eliminating the odd-one-out from usage of the same word in 4 sentences out of which 3 can make a complete paragraph.. then there was 1 fill-in-the-gap, 2-3 questions on finding out mistake in grammar etc. .. as I’m not confident in VA, I made very less no. of attempts in VA, that too very cautiously.. I did 10 LRs, 6-7 VAs..My overall attempt : 34
Confident about : 32-33, Doubtful about: 1-2
Many people attempted 40-45 those who could keep a good check on their time, I couldn’t do that, but all the best to others who’re yet to take their exams 🙂November 5, 2011 at 1:04 pm #3054CAT review…
IMP disclaimer : my first time CAT so review might suck
1)Observe the trend : CAT is getting difficult slot by slot
2) no technical glitches…All AC’s working fine… (:
Quant + DI :
1) Geometry karke lo bhaai log 4-5 questions from co-ordinate and simple geometry
2) 2 series questions, time consuming but doable
3) Time consuming DI, calc. based and confusing options
4) CAT loves roots of equation questions (: (2 were asked)
5) DI a bit tough…
1) LR is damn easy
2) LR is damn easy
3) RC’s were difficult (10 from 3passage)
4) RC questions based on tone of passage, what author has to say, draw inference, give title, “this line” says everything except etc. type questions…(no direct question)
5) PJ’s are easy : do all PJ’s posted below by Sood Saransh and you can do well in mains
6) 2 fill in the blanks, 2 incorrect usage of grammar, 1 wrong usage of word
OVERALL DIFFICULTY : MODERATE (Passage made it moderate otherwise easy)SURPRISE FACTOR :
1) Geometry
2) RC’s
3) 6 CAMERA :O
P.S. : Carry your license, passport, pan card DON’T carry UIDNovember 5, 2011 at 6:18 pm #3055Thanx @Sanket , @Eggstreamly and @Urvesh for sharing your reviews… 🙂
November 5, 2011 at 6:22 pm #3056Now we have one more experience from Mr. Ankit Dikshit who messaged me on facebook 🙂
Mr. Ankit Dikshit is a CEO & Founder at Imaginovationz MediaCorp.
SO here goes his experience in his own words …
“Finally, after a long altercation with the house-keeping and security personnel on the issue “That, Whether I can take medicine inside the prometric arena or not”, I was escorted by a senior official who consented on the matter and I entered to the battle ground with around 200 CAT takers to HRIT, Ghaziabad’s Test Centre. It was 2nd slot of 9th C-Day, i.e. 4th Nov, 2011. There were lesser technical glitches and issues, as compare to last two years. Authorities seem to be use to with the system and resulted as smooth test environment and experience.
Today, I personally felt Albert Einstein’s Relativity; the minute seems to be hours and hours were longer than a day. It was arduous to wait any more for the C-Moment and which finally, appeared on its usual time i.e. 1515 hours. The QA section (21 Q) was a mix bag of easy, moderate and difficult questions with easy/moderate being more in numbers. Questions from all the topics were there with no surprises, as expected! DI as usual was core 2011 type, calculation intensive which may include upto 8 different long calculations per question!!! (That was too tiring and the whole DI was of this kind, found an LR set in this paper too!) I attempted 27 ques and keeping the fingers crossed, never attempted this much in any mock in the season but need not to explain here that mocks were the different allegory and CAT was again a different experience which is always arcane to all preparatory channels and takers!!
Good and surprising thing, I would like to mention is in between the transition of two sections, I was luckily allowed to use Rest Rooms!! I started 2nd section with LR, as per the plan. LR section was moderate to difficult but I managed to do all the three sets. Though I took 27 minutes in this part.. Then I started with RC which was typically was 2006 type where I found two options could be eliminated easily but the cantankerous left two options have kept droning through all the questions and all the RCs… To add, I also confronted a physco-analytical type question which was a distinctive experience. I attempted 21 in this section.In PG Questionnaire Form!
1) How many attempts you have made? 27+21=48
2) Your last mock score? 91.xx
3) How was your experience of the test? Nice, with no technical glitches. The paper was a typical CAT standards with many tricky questions of ‘Savdhani Hathi, Durghatna Ghathi’ genre. Concentration and hence accuracy should be awarded.
4) What was the surprise element for you? That there were no surprises.
5) Any tips to handle the computer based exam better?–
6) Your overall analysis of the exam. Toughness, new topics, sections etc. Over-all moderate test with difficult VA+RC, difficult DI, moderate LR and easy QA.
7) Any other details or something you would like to share ……also
If you could attempt the paper again,what would you do differently. I did not read an LR set well and would like to steal those 5 minutes again (which I wasted), I think that would have made a big difference in my score.
My CAT’s written journey ends in normal mode and I would like to thank all the puys (active and inactive) who worked as a Team to fight the CAT demon..
Good Wishes to All of You…Cheers,
Fungus—An Excerpt from MBA Eperience diary (4th to the league!)”
November 6, 2011 at 7:49 am #3058November 6, 2011 at 6:06 pm #3059CAT Centre, Date and Slot: IBSAR COLLEGE,CBD BELAPUR NAVI MUMBAI,3:15pm Slot
1) How many attempts you have made?
Sec 1 – 24 Sec 2 – 25 OA- 492) your last mock score? If you are there at http://www.pagalguy.com/forum/cat-an…ry-2011-a.html (Mock scores repository 2011) , please provide the link here.
http://www.pagalguy.com/forum/cat-an…2011-a-31.html (Mock scores repository 2011)
3) How was your experience of the test?
The test was Very Smoothly Conducted. All credit should be given to Prometric Guys.
4) What was the surprise element for you?
Nothing much everything has already been pointed out on the previous days reviews.
5) Any tips to handle the computer based exam better?
RC highlighting is an awesome feature. It really helps while reading RC.
6) your overall analysis of the exam: Toughness, new topics, sections etc.
QA – Very well set paper. Don’t consider this paper as a cakewalk as pointed out in many reviews prior to this. It no doubt has enough sitters for you to feed on, but still it has enough in it to test you.
DI – 3 sets (very easy, easy and tricky). I got confused in one set had to leave 2 questions in that.Some few points which I would like to mention here, it might help people who are yet to give their exam:
a) No PnC/Probability Questions. NO QUESTION ON DS.
b) Don’t Ignore Trigonometry and Heights and Distance (if you think it’s your weak area), It is being tested significantly not only alone but also clubbed with other topics.
c) DI wasn’t calculation intensive( at least in my set, don’t know about others).I don’t think you would take much time to arrange 10 numbers of type (xyz.pq) in ascending order and tell me the 5th number.
d) Don’t let your concentration wander or else you might commit a calculation mistake(BLUNDER).
P.S: I did a subtraction mistake which took me precious few minutes to figure outVA – what I felt was that VA was moderate. But then I am not the right person to comment on this part.
RC – 3 RC’s (3+ 3 +4). 1 was on Philosophy which was a Very difficult read but the questions were on a bit easier side. The Other 2 were Moderate side but the questions were difficult to answer, with very ambiguous answer choices.
LR – 9 Questions and simply a cakewalk.20 – 25 min is more than sufficient to answer them all togather.
P.S : NO DS QUESTIONS HERE AS WELL7) Any other details or something you would like to share –
Some few points though already have been mentioned before but I would like to point it out again.
a) Don’t forget to use the Loo facility available just before the start of the exam.
b) After the end of Section -1 (or any time if you finish it before) you can ask for extra rough sheet of Paper. Personally I feel you must ask for a fresh sheet of paper before starting Section 2.
c) Don’t do any rough work on the back side of your admit card. All rough works are meant to be done only on the rough sheet provided. The guy beside my desk did it and the Procter took his admit card along with him.November 8, 2011 at 2:12 pm #3061CAT Centre, Date and Slot: HRIT College ,Ghaziabad : 8th nov morning slot
3) How was your experience of the test?
It was really smooth. Kudos to prometric guys for doing a great job.QA+DI-Moderate. Easy questions were spread across the section with few difficult ones in between.u must be smart enough to identify the sitters and attmept dem in right way……….i attmepted first 9 questions in hardly 10 mins…….to my surprise no questions on number system, p& c and probability were dere…… A lot of normal topics were missing ………questions included were mainly of geometry,quadratic, simple intrsts,logarithms, progressions, time speed distance….n dt too vryy basic…u need nt cram those big big formulae given the course material of various institues………
DI- was moderate nt vryy calculation intensive…i think one question was wrong…as i cudnt get the exact value given in the options……so marked the closest ans…..otherwise di was manageable……far below the level of aimcats……..in all i attempted 18-19 ?s in this section…..cud hv attempted 2-3 more…bt den i ran short of tym…….feeling pathetic as i cudnt mark one sure shot ans…….
VA+ LR-it again was vryy manageable
VA– 4 ?s on each on sentence correction , parajumbles , para completion and FIBs
paracomletion ?s were tricky…close call btw two options so attempteds 2 out of 4…rest others were quite easy………….unlike other slots….Rcs were nt out of the the world……?s were answerable on careful perusing of the Rcs..
one of the Rc was staright fwd…with direct ?s while the other two i found dt ?s were more on inferential side…..
LR– was cake walk………easiest sets dt cn be given in cat……in this sec i attemptd sum where arund 24-25…
total attempts-44-45
ATB to the rest of the guys who r yet to face the feline………
November 8, 2011 at 8:46 pm #30621)My CAT paper was good.I have attemped 23 questions in section-1 and 26 questions in section-2,totally 49 attemps in which i have doubds in 5 question.
2)My CAT exam date was 8th Nov ,10am slot.
3) QA :questions were quite tough i have made 21 right questions and doubtful for 2 in 1st section.
VA: easy but tricky.
LR: LR portion was easy.
DI: Easy questions,totally calculation based.Not very confusing.4)It was my first attempt and feeling good after the exam,hope for a quiet good results.
And all the best for all CAT fighters. 🙂
November 8, 2011 at 9:38 pm #3063So Souvik messaged me on Fbk ..regarding his experience 🙂
Here it goes like this 🙂
“Web Maggu bhai cud u post this on your forum?
mera net is damn damn slow
1) How many attempts you have made?
Attempted 30+30
2) Your last mock score?
Didn’t appear for AIMCAT1201 as I was apprehensive about getting a low score before my D-day and thereby suffering from a lack of self-confidence
AIMCAT1202 was 99.8x exact percentile yaad nahi
3) How was your experience of the test?
My center was EIILM, Kolkata 29th October morning slot(yes i know the experience was long overdue -_-)
Reached quite early and faced absolutely no problems reaching the destination.
I was suffering from a bad cold and was literally sneezing all the way and yet my handkerchief was deemed too dangerous an instrument for unfair means to be taken inside the examination hall.
Yes Prometric you were right i had smuggled in a shotgun wrapped in my hanky x-(
The camera was not of a high quality(read:my picture didn’t do justice to my inherently handsome face x-D ) newaz wandering *offtopic* now..this is what happens when I start talking too much 😐
P.S:- they made me stand in a half bent manner in order to take my picture!!why cudnt they provide stools or small chairs for that?
if ne1 suffers from spondilitis or a back pain please take a doctor’s certificate(people looking for serious reviews can skip this part
oops should have mentioned that sometime back )Tutorial was nice explained everything perfectly and anyone unfamiliar with the pattern or 1 who hasn’t given a mcok test before should definitely go through it
4) What was the surprise element for you?
Quant was child’s play
considering that IIM-C prepared the papers,that’s a bit surprising given the importance they attach to quant.
5) Any tips to handle the computer based exam better?
Just go through the tutorial it will explain everything. The slot i booked for my test saw no technical glitches at all, but should anything crop up while you are taking your exam, contact the proctors immediately and it should be ok..Do not panic
6) Your overall analysis of the exam. Toughness, new topics, sections etc.
Quant+DI section was too easy according to me,while the VA part was slightly tricky and saw the introduction of 1-2 new types of questions whereas LA was once again,relatively much simpler. I would stop at that since toughness of the paper varies from slot to slot and it’s best not to go with any premeditated thinking.
7) Any other query or something you would like to share.
Nah nothing else.that’s about it..Stay calm,do not panic and most importantly,do not let your ego about getting a particular question get to you during the exam..you are the best judge of your preparation.attempt the paper accordingly..1 or 2 new types of questions might be seen(not taking the risk of divulging them my apologies) but do not get troubled by them..sometimes the things which look the most difficult might be the easiest
Have fun everyone and All the best :)Hope I have not violated any NDA clause.If I have please moderators or anyone,PM me or write on my wall or do whatever it takes to get my attention
November 9, 2011 at 3:45 pm #3064CAT Centre, Date and Slot:9th Nov. Evening slot… MLRIT, HyderabadFinally my day has come. I couldn’t get sleep till morning 5. Finally had sleep of 4 hours. Got up and was really excited about the exam. After a very long wait went to the center and again i had to wait there for so long. Ya beautiful girls were present but not many..They too were like sitters present in my section-1.
1) How many attempts you have made?
QA-18/19, << Not happy with this though… could have done 2-3 more…
OA-42/432) Your last mock score?
70 – 903) How was your experience of the test?
Glitchfree. Everything was ok and well managed by prometric.During Biometric test my finger prints were very poor. Sat for 10 minutes and tried..Still they were poor in quality. Finally i didnt give my finger prints…4) What was the surprise element for you?
Nothing5) Any tips to handle the computer based exam better?
All knows it very well…6) Your overall analysis of the exam: Toughness, new topics, sections etc.
QA : unlike other people who have posted I felt the QA section not that easy and found number of questions which were filetring IIMs and non-IIMs…Yes sitters were there. About 6 to 7 were dead sitters. 6 to 7 were Moderate and rest were tough and speed breakers.DI sets i found them to be easy in my slot. They were not at all calculation intensive.
LR – Moderate ,Not at all a cakewalk. But they were doable. Eats away our precious time. 4 LR sets with 3,3,2,1 questions were present in my slot.
VA- I am not the right person to talk about this section. VA and RC will decide my fate ..But still i give my views. I found all 3 RCs to be on tougher side. Other part of VA was moderate.
PCs,SCs,Wrong usage of word, PJs, FIB and that new model question were present.7) Any other details or something you would like to share –
Paper is not that easy give it the respect which IIM paper deserves . Keep your head cool never stick to any particular question you will get enough Q’s to attempt.Don’t make silly mistakes….Accuracy is deciding factor for CAT 2011..
ALL THE BEST…!!!!November 12, 2011 at 8:09 pm #3065CAT Centre, Date and Slot :-Delhi School of Professional Studies and Research
November 12th 2011
Slot : 3:15 pm
…1) How many attempts you have made?
SEC 1- 27/28
SEC 2- 252) Your Last mock result?
3) How was your experience of the test?
It was smooth and Glitch free and everything went off like it was supposed to .
4) What was the surprise element for you?
RC’s were pathetic and was seriously amazed at the easy level of Section 1 .
The new type of Parajumble was a tough nut to crack.5) Any tips to handle the computer based exam better?
Stay calm as possible. Time management is a key in Sec 1 as the Time tends to fly.
and i believe the mocks have made everyone aware of the interface so there is nothing new.6) Your overall analysis of the exam:
QA: The section was surprisingly easy with a lot of easy to moderate questions.
DI was good, with 2 easy and 1 moderate calculation intensive set.LR was easy but tricky , the question should be read thoroughly and carefully.
VA part was moderate consisting of PJ, PC, FIB’s but the RC’s were DIFFICULT to say the least , with 2 of the 3 RC’s from Philosophy 🙁All in All it was a moderate paper.
7) Any other details or something you would like to share:-
November 13, 2011 at 7:54 pm #3066CAT Centre, Date and Slot: accurate institute, Bangalore, 13th Nov., 3.15pm
slot1) How many attempts you have made?
section 1 – 19-20
2 – 21-222) Your last mock score? Does it matter ?
3) How was
your experience of the test?
Smooth. Glitch free.4) What was the
surprise element for you?
Lot has been said and discussed about previous
papers, and post that, nothing seemed as a surprise.5) Any tips to
handle the computer based exam better?
No.6) Your overall analysis
of the exam: Toughness, new topics, sections etc.Section – I:
QA –
easy to moderate.
4-5 Sitters were there, and few of the questions were
tricky. Won’t consider them to be tough.
One could have easily managed around
23-24 attempts in Section – I, but damn me, I couldn’t reach that markDI- As far
as I remember, 2 sets were there. 1 was easy, but then, calculation based.
%ages, %ages and %ages. Couldn’t comprehend the 2nd set after multiple readings,
so, decided to leave it. Not sure if it was easy or not.
Section – II :RC – Tough. Not lengthy, but tough. Difficult to map the options with
the statements in the RC.
Rest of VA- moderate to tough.. But very
confusing. Ek bhi question confidently mark nahi kar paaya .. 🙁LR- 8-10
questions. all were easy but time consuming. Felt that in 1 set, couple of
questions were wrong.7) Any other details or something you would like
to share –
Yaar.. they test only the basics and nothing else. Speed is what
that matters.
Fretting won’t help. So, try to keep your calm. All the best
!!!P.S. : Above experience is what I felt. Might differ from the rest.
And, if violated NDA, please let me know.November 13, 2011 at 7:54 pm #3067CAT Centre, Date and Slot: accurate institute, Bangalore, 13th Nov., 3.15pm
slot1) How many attempts you have made?
section 1 – 19-20
2 – 21-222) Your last mock score? Does it matter ?
3) How was
your experience of the test?
Smooth. Glitch free.4) What was the
surprise element for you?
Lot has been said and discussed about previous
papers, and post that, nothing seemed as a surprise.5) Any tips to
handle the computer based exam better?
No.6) Your overall analysis
of the exam: Toughness, new topics, sections etc.Section – I:
QA –
easy to moderate.
4-5 Sitters were there, and few of the questions were
tricky. Won’t consider them to be tough.
One could have easily managed around
23-24 attempts in Section – I, but damn me, I couldn’t reach that markDI- As far
as I remember, 2 sets were there. 1 was easy, but then, calculation based.
%ages, %ages and %ages. Couldn’t comprehend the 2nd set after multiple readings,
so, decided to leave it. Not sure if it was easy or not.
Section – II :RC – Tough. Not lengthy, but tough. Difficult to map the options with
the statements in the RC.
Rest of VA- moderate to tough.. But very
confusing. Ek bhi question confidently mark nahi kar paaya .. 🙁LR- 8-10
questions. all were easy but time consuming. Felt that in 1 set, couple of
questions were wrong.7) Any other details or something you would like
to share –
Yaar.. they test only the basics and nothing else. Speed is what
that matters.
Fretting won’t help. So, try to keep your calm. All the best
!!!P.S. : Above experience is what I felt. Might differ from the rest.
And, if violated NDA, please let me know. - AuthorPosts
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