Number System : Divisibility by 5
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Check the last digit in the given number and check if it is either 0 or 5.
If the last number is either 0 or 5, the entire number is divisible by 5.
Example :
- 320 (This is the original number)
320 (Check the last digit of the number which is 0)- 320 is divisible by 5.
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- 105 (This is the original number)
105 (Check the last digit of the number which is 5)- 105 is divisible by 5.
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How to get the result after division by 5 ? (tip & trick)
~ If the last digit in the number is 0, then the result will be the remaining digits multiplied by 2.
Example :
- 320 (The original number)
320 (Take the last digit of the number, and check if it is 0 or 5)- 32
0(If it is 0, take the remaining digits, discarding the last) - 32 × 2 = 64 (Multiply the result by 2)
- 320 ÷ 5 = 64 ‘o.O’
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~ If the last digit in the number is 5, then the result will be the remaining digits multiplied by two (2), plus one (1).
Example :
- 105 (The original number)
105 (Take the last digit of the number, and check if it is 0 or 5)- 10
5(If it is 5, take the remaining digits, discarding the last) - 10 × 2 = 20(Multiply the result by 2)
- 20 + 1 = 21 (Add 1 to the result)
- 105 ÷ 5 = 21 (The result is the same as the original number divided by 5)
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