Category: Civil Services


Vocab Tadka : Enervate vs Innervate (Confusing Words)

Lets discuss the difference between confusing words Enervate & Innervate . ENERVATE 1 (v) weaken mentally or morally Type: ‘verb.change’ 2 (v) disturb the composure of Type: ‘verb.emotion’ Synonym: faze, unnerve, unsettle, Sentence Usage : To learn the word...


Vocab Tadka : Knave Vs Nave Vs Naive (Confusing Words)

Today we will discuss the difference between similar sounding words Knave, Nave & Naive. Knave 1 (n) a deceitful and unreliable scoundrel Type: ‘noun.person’ Synonym: rapscallion, rascal, rogue, scalawag, scallywag, varlet, 2 (n) one of four face cards in a deck bearing a...