Category: Economy

Market Structure

In economics, market structure depends on the number of organizations making a particular type of product. Types of Market Structures are as follows – Monopoly Oligopoly Monopsony Oligopsony Perfect Competition Monopoly–  exists when a...

Inter-State Council

Article 263 of the Constitution of India provides for the establishment of an Inter-State Council. This article deals with ‘Co-ordination between States  and Union’.It enforces Relations between the Union and the States.  The Inter-State Council is...

Export & Import

India has the seventh largest economy in the world with respect to nominal GDP and third largest with respect to purchasing power parity. The exchange of capital, goods and services transcending internal borders and...

Important terms in Economy

Terms you need to know Fiscal Deficit – Fiscal deficit is a state when government’s expenditures exceed the revenue generated, excluding money from borrowings. Current Account deficit – Difference between a nation’s investment and...

Budget 2016

India is being looked upon as the source of growth for the otherwise declining economy in many parts of the world. Despite lack of rainfall for two consecutive years and unfavorable global conditions, India...