Think about it : UPSC 2016 Results
Preparation for IAS plays an important role to crack UPSC exam but there are also other factors may be luck, your surroundings etc .And in India there is something which can actually be more beneficial than any of these. This is your “ category”. If you are from reserved category more than half of your work is done.
Tina Dabi who is the current IAS topper in the UPSC exam 2016 scored only 52.7 percent to secure number one rank.Ira Singhal UPSC 2015 topper scored just 53.43 per cent marks.
The marks they scored in preliminary exams were much lesser than their non category competitors, but poor general category aspirants could not write mains examination because there category cut off were much higher, even if they had more marks than toppers they could not appear in mains.
what a tragedy and plight this is.
Find below the qualifying marks in preliminary examination for various categories
UPSC aspirant are taking initiative to step up and speak on this critical and important issue of caste based reservation in India.
Find here mark sheets of topper and a General category candidate Ankit Srivastava and Akshay Mishra
The purpose of this post is not to hurt sentiments of a particular group of people but to enlighten the fact that some things are wrong somewhere, many careers are getting destroyed, many youths are getting disappointed.
Our country is loosing talented officer, youth is getting depressed there is something wrong in system which needs our attention.
Things need to be changed for better..
Think about it and give your views what should be done, how should be done..